Monday, March 1, 2010

Here is the last weeks challenge on Scrapz

It is a round Robin LO.  Meaning that 3 of us worked 7 minutes at a time, on a LO and then passed it on.  So we choose our photo and products which co ordinated, then glued down what we wanted stuck where, then passed it on to the next person, round and round till we were up to journaling and titles (which we got back our own LO's to complete)  Fun fun fun!  It really does free up your creativity.  The three of us have done it before, so we are all pretty confident with each other, and we can relax and enjoy the process.


We have had a weekend full of friends and socialising.  It's been lovely, but I have quite the house in dissarray to be tended to!!!!  A cost I am willing to pay!!!  I value spending time with friends. 


  1. Such a gorgeous layout Lydell and how clever that all you girls worked together like that!

  2. It turned out really well Lydell. It is good to get together!! :)
