My baby girl was 2 yesterday. Where did the time go? I waited for every stage with Denver. I have missed most of them with Mazzie. All of a sudden she is speaking in sentences. ( Deciphering still needed!) On the otherhand, she is more independant and can wander outside for a while without assistance. It gives me a chance to mop the floor without her attacking the water, or putting on a load of washing without her adding inappropriate items in without me knowing. I could not find my phone the other day, so as you do, I rang it and heard it ringing in the distance. I eventually located the distant ringing. In the washing machine. I had almost started a load earlier and had to gather more clothes, so it didn't happen! Thankgoodness. My history with phones is unfortunate. I would have had to fight DH for another new one.
Anyway I have a 2 year old baby.
On a scrapping note, Janine rang the other day and asked if we could swing it to get together without children (what????) to scrap for the afternoon. My word was it nice! I did one layout for the DT this coming week on decorative borders. I will put this one up when the change over happens on the Scrapbook Station site this weekend. It was so good to scrap together (have not done this at home before, just at the shop.) that we got together again yesterday, this time with kids....ALL OF THEM ( school holidays!!!) They were actually pretty good. But I couldn't relax until lunch was over and done with, and the cake Janine brought over was eaten ( with a coffee of course!) Janine cruised through it with her Layout....When she is in the zone!!! (Stunning Layout though!) She truely is the Patterned Paper Queen. I just watched in awe. She had like 7 sheets of 12 x 12 printed paper. I need therapy if I try to incorporate 3.
I drew around some hearts...But I saw a genius at work!!!
I got a layout done after all had gone to bed last night though. That is pretty impressive for me...and I went to bed at 11.30pm. Anyway. Here is this weeks productions. After the drought!
Permission slip reads....
" Lydell ( Mum) is hereby granted permission to Slip on the fluffy slippers, make herself a coffee, run a bath, surf the net for scrapping stuff and blogs, reas books and magazines and SCRAP to her hearts content!"
Journaling reads....."If only! It would be pure bliss to be able to scrap and relax anytime I wanted too!...But then it wouldn't feel so good!! It's true, I don't get much done, and I barely meet my deadlines, but all too soon these little ones of mine will not need me so much and will grow to be independant and I will miss them needing me....On the other hand. imagine all the scrapping I will get done! "

This is the one I drew around the hearts of!
Journaling reads....."So unbelievably cute, that perfect little face laughing back at me when you do something naughty so that mummy might not be so cross...It works every time! Mummy can't resist, you are just far too cute for my own good!!!

This one I did last night after everyone was in bed! Didn't take long at all!
Journaling reads... "I really hope this obsession you have with my scrapping stuff means that when you're older you will share my passion. But for the moment all it means to me is the ruination of many a scrapping product. You have drawn on completed layouts, emptied embossing powders, cut up papers, I could go on..."
On that note. I have a few more hours that I can leave the stuff I brought out of my downstairs scrapping room to our dining table upstairs ( The key to which I have been able to work this week!) before I need to return it all to its rightful home. One more layout?? Who knows!
TFL and have a great weekend all!
Lydell x